Official Chat Room

Sabtu, 3 April 2010

South East Asian CCR Conference on 12 to 15 August 2010 St. Anne's Church, Bukit Mertajam Penang

A meeting between ISAO Executive Committee Members and the PMST, in the presence of His Grace Archbishop Murphy Pakiam and His Lordship Bishop Selvanayagam was held at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. The dates for the 1st ISAO South East Asia CCR Conference, was finalized for 12 to 15 August 2010. St. Anne’s Church at Bukit Mertajam, Penang was chosen to be the venue, being a place for pilgrimage.

A follow up leadership formation program conduced by Cyril, Felix and Gerard followed, with both Bishops also contributing to the inputs. Gerry Pereira, a PMST Member reports – “It was truly a joy to see about 120 leaders from all the four language groups, our African brothers and sisters (community in Malaysia), from Sabah as well as members of covenant communities assemble for the Pre-ISAO Conference for Leaders. Simon Mathew, Chairman of PMST encouraged those present to work together for greater unity, and to strive to be more effective leaders in order to carry out the vision and mission of CCR. He also thanked former PMST leaders for their leadership and contribution. It was truly a blessed time of formation, prayer and healing, as they were also led to ministering and reconciliation.

Taken from

Malaysian CCR Leaders Prepare for ISAO Ist South East Asian Conference

In January 2009 at the Majodi Center in Johore, Malaysia, a meeting between representatives of ISAO Executive Committee and the PMST (Peninsula Malaysia Service Team) for CCR was held to begin discussion, prayer and discernment for the proposed

ISAO Regional Conference in Penang, Malaysia scheduled for August 2010. Following the meeting, Cyril John, Francis D’ Souza, Felix Ali Chendra and Gerard Francisco conducted a two-day Pre-ISAO Conference Leadership formation program where leaders from PMST, and the three Diocesan Service Teams attended. His Lordship Bishop Paul Tan Chee Ing, Bishop of the Melaka-Johor Diocese, celebrated the opening Mass and inaugurated the event.

Taken from


Pada bulan Januari 2009 bertempat di Majodi Centre Johor, Malaysia, satu mesyuarat diantara perwakilan Jawatankuasa Komiti ISAO dan PMST (Penisula Malaysia Service Team) untuk CCR (Pembaharuan Karismatik Katolik) telah di adakan untuk memulakan perbincangan, doa, dan pemurnian untuk cadangan Konvensi Regional ISAO di Pulau Pinang, Malaysia yang di jadualkan pada August 2010. Hasil daripada mesyuarat, Cyil John, Francis D'Souza, FelixAli Chendra dan Gerard Francisco telah menjalankan Program Pembentukan Pemimpin Pra Konvensi ISAO selam dua hari yang mana telah dihadiri pemimpin dari PMST dan Ketiga-tiga Tim Pelayanan Diosis. Yang Mulia Bishop Paul Tan Chee Ing, Bishop Keuskupan Melaka-Johor telah merayakan misa pembukaan dan seterusnya merasmikan acara tersebut.